Minin's choir for children

Rehearsals, performances in the best concert halls, applause, flowers ...

This is a significant, but not the main part in Choir's life.

In Children's Medical Center, where the word "hope" has a special meaning, music allows young patients and their parents to forget about their severe ailments, to feel carefree and happy.

"Minin's Choir for Children" project

At a concert in Science and practical centre of medical care for children "Solntsevo" everybody sang "Crocodile Gena's song", "Let there always be sunshine" and "Clouds". "I cried an hour ago, and now I smile. Thank you!", - admitted one of the spectators.

“Minin's Choir for children" project exists for seven years. Over this time, Vladimir Minin and artists of the Moscow Chamber Choir performed at many healthcare places such as Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after D. Rogachev; Leonid Roshal's SRI of emergency pediatric surgery and traumatology and more.

Благотворительный концерт в НПЦ медицинской помощи детям в Солнцево. Ведущая - А. А. Дубильер (28 февраля 2014 г.)

Before each concert artists collect gifts for young patients. It's happiness for us to see the smiles of children and their parents, sing to them, communicate with them. These applause are very special.

In March 20, 2015 Minin's Choir made charity concert at the State Museum of Contemporary Art of the Russian Arts Academy in case of "Art to be near" exhibition. Thereafter, the leading Russian artists canvases were sold at auction – it was the World Autism Awareness Day. Reached money was sent to "Anton near here" centre (St. Petersburg), which deals with social adaptation of autistic children.

Маленькие пациенты, их родители, медсёстры и врачи НПЦ "Солнцево" слушают выступление Хора (28 февраля 2014 г.)

“Minin's Choir for children" project has another task: education of future listeners. Collective performs charity concerts in children's art schools of Moscow, music and secondary schools, centers of additional education.

Благотворительный концерт Хора в НПЦ медицинской помощи детям. Слушательница благодарит хормейстера Ольгу Словеснову

In June 1, 2015 Choir gave a charity concert at the Children's School of Arts named after Svyatoslav Richter, where collective perforned works of F. Schubert, S. Barber, G. Sviridov, V. Gavrilin and Russian folk songs.

Детская школа искусств № 11 г. Москвы. Концерт «В подарок любимым». Дирижёр - Алексей Рудневский (4 марта 2015 г.)

Lot of time Vladimir Minin spoke of the need to return to school singing lessons. He lamented the fact that "in America and Europe in primary and secondary schools are doing vaccinated good taste through choral singing" and our children are deprived of this opportunity.

We are glad that his words were heard: from September 1, 2015 The Ministry of Culture is implementing a pilot program for students in grades 1-4. Choral singing is one of its key components.

Директор НПЦ медицинской помощи детям, заслуженный врач РФ, профессор А. Г. Притыко благодарит В. Н. Минина за концерт (3 мая 2015 г.)


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