Kemerovo - Georgy Sviridov's 100 th Anniversary

05 December 2015 г. | начало в 19:00
Big Concert Hall of the State Kuzbass Philharmonic | Kemerovo, Sovyetsky prospect, 68
Playlist: G. Sviridov - excerpts from the concert choir "Pushkin's Garland"; S. Barber - "Adagio" for strings (arranged for chorus a capella); V.Gavrilin - fragments of a choral symphony-action "Chimes";
works by Soviet composers, Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian folk songs
With the support of Russian Federation's Ministry of Culture in the framework of the "All-Russian Philharmonic Seasons"
Choirmaster - Olga Slovesnova
Concertmaster - Elena Ilina
Conductor - Vladimir Minin
Choirmaster - Olga Slovesnova
Concertmaster - Elena Ilina
Conductor - Vladimir Minin