
  • Дж. Верди "Реквием" (Карельская Филармония)
  • Концерт в Петрозаводске (Карельская Филармония)
  • Русская хоровая музыка XX века (г. Тюмень)
  • Концерт на ВДНХ
  • День памяти А.С. Пушкина
  • Фестиваль Минин-95. Э. Артемьев "Девять шагов к Преображению"
  • Концерт солистов Хора Минина (Фонд Елены Образцовой)
  • Литургия Св. Иоанна Златоуста в Зале Зарядье (С. Рахманинов)
  • Кармина Бурана (Ульяновский драматический театр)
  • Кармина Бурана (Чеховский фестиваль 2023)
  • Кармина Бурана К. Орф (II фестиваль "Хор без границ", к 95-летию В. Минина)
  • И.С. Бах Месса си минор (II фестиваль "Хор без границ". К 95-летию В. Минина)
  • День города 2023
  • Концерт в музее Пушкина
  • Выступление на вечере памяти А.С. Пушкина
  • «Времена года» и «Глория» в Большом зале Консерватории
  • 90-летие журнала "Музыкальная академия"
  • Реквием (благотворительный концерт «Музыка — детям»)
  • Закрытие фестиваля искусств «Самарская осень 2022»
  • Концерт в Мироваренной палате (Московский Кремль)
  • BelgorodMusicFest (Borislav Strulev& friends)
  • XXX Transfiguration Festival
  • Anniversary concert in Tchaikovsky Hall
  • Choir without borders. Anniversary concert in the Zaryadye Hall
  • Performance at the Freckle Festival (Yaroslavl)
  • Юбилейный концерт в Большом зале консерватории
  • Презентация книги МИНИН-ХОР. ПЕРВЫЕ ПОЛВЕКА
  • Chorus without borders. Anniversary concert at the MMDM
  • "Реквием" М. Дюруфле
  • Музыкальное приношение Елене Образцовой
  • The Christmas Fast (p. Akhunov, Zaryadye hall)
  • The Last Day of internal city (Demutsky's score)
  • "The war is pointless" (Zaradye)
  • LA CRÉATION Joseph Haydn (
  • "Requiem" by Schnittke (presentation of the album)
  • Cosmonautics Day Concert
  • "Music of the World" in the House of Architects
  • "Snowstorm" by G. Sviridov (premiere of the new edition)
  • "Nine Steps to Transformation" at Zaryadye
  • Concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • "Requiem" Schnittke recording (Mosfilm, 2021)
  • World's music
  • Saint-Saëns in Zaradye Hall
  • Tour in Chelyabinsk
  • Alexander Gindin (concert)
  • Petite messe solennelle (rehersal)
  • Petite messe solennelle (concert)
  • “Gogol & Moscow Chamber Choir - the 210th anniversary of the writer"
  • Christmas concert. Advent Festival
  • Canto Dolce: opening concert of the Blue Hall
  • 185 years of "The Queen of Spades" in Arkhipova Concert Hall
  • "9 steps ..." by Edvard Artemyev at the St. Petersburg Philharmonic
  • "Requiem" Schnittke in the Rachmaninov Concert Hall
  • "Requiem" Schnittke in the Cathedral on Malaya Gruzinskaya
  • Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Gnesin Music School)
  • Liturgy of S. Rachmaninov at the House of Music (V. Minin)
  • Master class by Vladimir Minin
  • Фестиваль РНО - "Десять поэм" Д. Шостаковича
  • Moscow's Day
  • My dear Muscovites
  • Kupala's songs - closing of the season 2018/2019
  • Concert of 185 years "Queen of Spades"
  • New program "Music of Spaces"
  • After the reading the psalm
  • Armenian's tour
  • Gogol and Minin's Choir. 210 years to the author of "Inspector"
  • Congratulations of Vladimir Minin on his 90th birthday (telegrams)
  • Booklet "Vladimir Minin. Sound on the palms"
  • Minin is 90! Conductor Solo - Anniversary Concert
  • Tours in Samara and Ulyanovsk (October 27-30, 2018)
  • Edward Artemyev: "Nine Steps to Transformation"
  • Tours in Samara and Ulyanovsk
  • "Minin-choir" in the Russian Army Theater (play "Man of the Earth")
  • Opening of a memorial plaque to Georgy Sviridov
  • Performances in Kaliningrad at the "Organ +" music festival
  • Children's concert (05/25/18)
  • Concert to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rakhmaninov
  • Concert "Chimes" by Valery Gavrilin
  • Concert to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland
  • Concert in the St. Petersburg Philharmonic. D.D. Shostakovich
  • Performance in the museum of A.S. Pushkin (02/10/2018)
  • An evening in memory of A.S. Pushkin (08.02.2018)
  • Сoncerts at the Homestead (January 3-6, 2018)
  • Charity concert at the Scientific and Production Center "Solntsevo" (12/21/17)
  • The first concert of the choir in the Homestead (12/01/17)
  • Festive evening for the Auto Union's 60th anniversary
  • G. Rossini "Petite Messe Solenelle" (2017) - concert
  • G. Rossini "Petite Messe Solenelle" (2017) - rehearsals
  • "Involuntarily jubilee" - a festive evening of Olga Ostroumova
  • Minin's Choir in in St. Alexievskaya Poustinia
  • Joseph Kobzon's Jubilee concert (September 20, 2017)
  • CHOIREXPO-2017: Master-class by Vladimir Minin
  • Moscow Day-2017 (September 9, 2017)
  • The sound of Minin's Choir
  • Minin-Gala: Moscow Chamber Choir's 45th Anniversary
  • Rehearsal of the jubilee concert
  • Concert in the House of Scientists
  • Masterpieces of choral music of five centuries - Easter concert
  • Minin's Choir in Shilov's Gallery
  • Minin's Choir at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory
  • Concert in Schostakovich's School
  • Presentation of the "Minor's Choir for Children" CD
  • Minin's Choir on the "100-to-one" program
  • Сoncert to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Minin's Choir in in St. Alexievskaya Poustinia
  • From the archives of Moscow Chamber Choir
  • Minin's Choir and Oleg Butman's Jazz Band: New Year's metamorphosis
  • Unusual Concert in the Art School №11
  • Rehearsal of "Misa Criola" at the Igor Butman's base
  • Concert for the International Mother's Day
  • Concert in Lebedev Physical Institute chamber music club
  • "The Music of Life" - in memory of Svyatoslav Belza
  • Concert at the "CREDO" Festival (Estonia)
  • "Musical Autumn" (to the International Day of music)
  • "Shostakovich instead the muddle" at "Helicon-Opera"
  • Saturday cleaning day at Park "Kolomenskoye"
  • Days of Moscow in the Ulyanovsk region
  • "The Ring of Sunshine" (to the Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism)
  • "To remember ..." (dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World war)
  • Gala concert in honor of the Day of Russia
  • Elena Obraztsova Foundation awards ceremony
  • Gala concert in honor of Children's Day (SPC "Solntsevo", June 1, 2016)
  • Moscow Chamber Choir in Poland
  • "The Second World war songs" on Chistye Prudy
  • World premiere of "Exodus Triada" oratorio
  • Rehearsals of Yuri Sherling's "Exodus" oratorio
  • Concert-mystery "Century-wolfhound that throws on my shoulders"
  • V. Minin and V. Gaft presents: "Tell me - is He devil or God?.." (27th February, 2016)
  • Rossini's "Petite Messe Solennelle" (25th February, 2016)
  • Rehearsal of Rossini's "Petite Messe Solennelle"
  • Concert in Children's Art School №11 (19th February, 2016)
  • Rehearsal of Vladimir Minin and Valentin Gaft project - musical and literary composition "Tell me - is He devil or God?.." (16th February, 2016)
  • Concert in Children's music school named after K. N. Igumnov
  • Minin's Choir in Lytkarino
  • The closing ceremony of Russian Choir Championship
  • Concert in Aleksander Shilov's Gallery
  • Vladimir Minin - 87
  • Concert in Science and practical centre of medical care for children "Solntsevo"
  • Concert dedicated to Georgy Sviridov's 100th Anniversary
  • Concert in Seversk musical theater
  • Concert in the Great hall of Kuzbass State Phillharmonic
  • Mozart's Requiem at Philharmonic-2 (November 25, 2015)
  • Mozart's Requiem in Tchaikovsky Concert Hall (November 24, 2015)
  • Mozart - Requiem (rehearsal at Musica Viva orchestra base)
  • Concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of "Polyclinic №2" (17 November, 2015)
  • Concert dedicated to Georgy Sviridov's 100th Anniversary
  • Mozart's Requiem in Children's Art School named after M. I. Glinka
  • Valentin Gaft's 80th Anniversary evening (22 october, 2015)
  • From ''Moscow Chamber Choir'' booklet (1982)
  • Concert in All-Russian society for blind cultural and sports rehabilitation center (3 october, 2015)
  • Concert in Children Art School №11 (october 1, 2015)
  • Concert in Children's music school named after Shostakovich
  • Concert on Chistoprudny Boulevard, Moscow (6 September, 2015)
  • The opening ceremony of Moscow City Day-2015 (5 September, 2015)
  • Photos from Emil Kotlyarsky's book "In the Name of. Confession for the Moscow Chamber Choir"
  • Recording of D. D. Shostakovich's "Ten Poems on the words of revolutionary poets" (June 7, 2015)
  • Concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture (May 24, 2015)
  • Master-class and concert in Syktyvkar (May 18-19, 2015)
  • "Let's sing, friends" - concert in "Philharmonic 2" (May 12, 2015)
  • Red Square, Moscow. Concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory (May 9, 2015)
  • Charity concert in Science and practical centre of medical care for children "Solntsevo" (May 5, 2015)
  • "Music is Love" - a concert dedicated to Elena Obraztsova (28 April, 2015)
  • "Songs of Victory" - concert at the Children's Art School №11 (24 April, 2015)
  • 43th anniversary of Minin's Choir (April 23, 2015)
  • Big Easter tour (Rostov-on-Don, Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar) (April 14-17, 2015)
  • Silver Voice of Moscow Chamber Choir - concert dedicated to the People's Artist of Russia Natalia Gerasimova (April 11, 2015)
  • "Bare Your Heads..." - performance at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall (April 6, 2015)
  • Concert at the "Mir" House of Culture (Dubna, March 26, 2015)
  • "The Art of Being Close" - concert at the Russian Academy of Arts' State Museum of Contemporary Art (March 20, 2015)
  • Концерт в рамках благотворительного аукциона "Искусство быть рядом" (20 марта 2015 г.)
  • "A Gift to Your Love Ones" - concert at the Children's Art School №11 (Moscow, March 4, 2015)
  • "Vladimir Minin Says" programme at Pavel Slobodkin's Center (March 1, 2015)
  • "In the Rhythm of Time..." - concert in memory of Elena Obraztsova (Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, February 3, 2015)
  • Literary-musical composition "Say, is He the devil or God?.." - a join project of Vladimir Minin and People's Artist of the RSFSR Valentin Gaft (Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, December 17, 2014)
  • Concert in Crocus City Hall, Moscow (November 16, 2014)
  • "Night of the Arts-2013": Concert in "Novaya Opera" theater (November 3, 2014)
  • Concert version of G. Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" in Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic (October 27, 2014)
  • Concert version of G. Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" at the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory (October 23, 2014)
  • Gala concert dedicated to 634th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo and 700th anniversary of St. Sergey Radonezhsky (September 20, 2014)
  • City Choir Festival "Moscow Cantata" (September 6, 2014)
  • Charity concert in scientific and practical center of medical aid to children "Solntsevo" (28 February, 2014)
  • "Russian Heart" - Vladimir Minin's 85th anniversary - (Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, January 16, 2014)
  • Concert at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory (November 14, 2014)
  • Concert at "Tokyo Opera City", Japan (October 10, 2013)
  • Concert at Vyatka Philharmonic, Kirov (June 14, 2013)
  • Concert in the Arbazh village (Kirov Region, June 13, 2013)
  • Performing of S. Taneyev's "After reading of the psalm" (The Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, April 18, 2013)
  • Vladimir Minin awarding by "Glory and Honor" orden of III degree (27 March, 2013)
  • Concert at the State Historical Museum (February 27, 2013)
  • Concert at the State Kremlin Palace (February 21, 2013)
  • Concert at the School №1811 (January 25, 2013)
  • St. Andrew the Apostle award ceremony (State Kremlin Palace, December 13, 2012)
  • Charity concert in Music school named after Igumnov ("Chamber Choir for Children's art schools" project, December 9, 2012)
  • Concert in Scientific and practical center of medical aid to children "Solntsevo" (October 4, 2012)
  • Veliky Novgorod, Kremlin. "1150 years of Russian statehood" (September 21, 2012)
  • Performing of P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" (Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, September 13, 2012)
  • Concert dedicated to 1150 years of Russian statehood (Rostov Veliky, August 31, 2012)
  • XX festival of music and bells "Transfiguration" (Yaroslavl, August 25, 2012)
  • Gala concert dedicated to the Moscow Chamber Choir's 40th anniversary (The Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, April 26, 2012)
  • Leonard Bernstein's "Wonderful Town" at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory (April 5 and 7, 2012)
  • "We all mourned by our fate" - a joint program of Alexander Filippenko and Minin's Choir (The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, December 13, 2011)
  • "Universe of Love" - Concert in the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory (October 22, 2011)
  • Performance at the "Orchestrion" concert hall (September 21, 2011)
  • "Women's confession" - Moscow Chamber Choir and Maria Guleghina (Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, 26 May, 2011)
  • Concert dedicated to A. Sveshnikov's 120th anniversary (Patriarch's Palace of the Moscow Kremlin, October 8, 2010)
  • "War doesn't have a woman's face" concert program. V. Gavrilin's "War Letters". Readings by S. Kryuchkova and E. Lyadova
  • Literary-musical composition "Oh no, I'm not tired of life" to the anniversary of Alexander Pushkin's death. Moscow Chamber Choir and Igor Kostolevsky (February 27, 2010)
  • The "Triumph" award celebration (January 25, 2010)
  • Concert at the "16 Tons" club (November 3, 2009)
  • Jubilee concert dedicated to the Vladimir Minin's 80th anniversary (The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, January 22, 2009)
  • Concert dedicated to 60th anniversary of the Great Victory. Moscow Chamber Choir and Eugene Yevtushenko (May 9, 2005)
  • Charity concert in scientific and practical center of medical aid for children "Solntsevo" (2011)
  • "Musical Evenings on the Arbat" - concert in Pavel Slobodkin's Center (2010)
  • Charity concert in scientific and practical center of medical care for children (December, 2010)
  • Rehearsals
  • Miscellaneous
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