Сoncert in Ulyanovsk

Сoncert in Ulyanovsk
30 October 2018 г. | начало в 00:00
Playlist: Program: "Requiem" V.A. Mozart (Beyer edition)
200 years after Mozarts`s death german musicologist Frantz Bayer reconstructed original version of “Requiem”. He found rough copies by composer. Bayer discovered that Mozart did not stop his composition at famous “Lacrymosa”.

Nowadays experts recognize that the Beyer`s edition sounds much more authentic (in comparison with the editors of Franz Süssmayer) and it is generally closer to the sound palette of the style of Mozart.

Beyer’s score was published in Russia in 1996, and in recent years this version of Requiem has been performed by the Moscow Chamber Choir of Vladimir Minin.