Radzinsky & Moscow Chamber Choir - Mozart's Riddle
02 November 2019 г. | начало в 19:00
Tchaikovsky Concert Hall | Tverskaya st., 31/4, Moscow, 125047
Playlist: Mozart - fragments of Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter), Requiem, Symphony No. 40, Fantasia in C minor and the concert aria for soprano and orchestra, overtures from The Abduction from the Seraglio and Don Giovanni operas.
Edvard Radzinsky will be reading his own play called “Mozart’s riddle” in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall 2th November. Moscow Chamber Choir will take a part at the concert.
The reason for Mozart’s death – it’s a theme for dispute today. Radzinsky will offer his own version of Mozart's death and will tell about Mozart and Salieri relationship, composer’s childhood, the figure of “The Black Man” and tell the story of "Requiem" - the last Mozart’s opus.
In the Radsinsky’s play, you can hear fragments of Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter), Requiem, Symphony No. 40, Fantasia in C minor and the concert aria for soprano and orchestra, overtures from The Abduction from the Seraglio and Don Giovanni operas.
The reason for Mozart’s death – it’s a theme for dispute today. Radzinsky will offer his own version of Mozart's death and will tell about Mozart and Salieri relationship, composer’s childhood, the figure of “The Black Man” and tell the story of "Requiem" - the last Mozart’s opus.
In the Radsinsky’s play, you can hear fragments of Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter), Requiem, Symphony No. 40, Fantasia in C minor and the concert aria for soprano and orchestra, overtures from The Abduction from the Seraglio and Don Giovanni operas.