Pushkin programm in Arkhipova Concert Hall
21 November 2019 г. | начало в 19:00
Concert Hall named after I.K. Arkhipova | Bryusov per., D. 2/14, p. 8
Playlist: Sviridov, Dargomyzhsky, Rachmaninoff, Pierre Passereau, fragments of the operas “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, "Aleko".
Moscow Chamber Choir will perform the music program based on the poems and stories by Alexander Pushkin in Arkhipova Concert Hall 21 November. The concert will include music of Sviridov, Dargomyzhsky, Rachmaninoff, Pierre Passereau, fragments of the operas “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, "Aleko".
Actor Denis Yasik will be involved in a concert too. Staging script based on a memoir and letters of Pushkin’s friends.
Actor Denis Yasik will be involved in a concert too. Staging script based on a memoir and letters of Pushkin’s friends.