Gogol & Moscow Chamber Choir in Concert Hall named after I.K. Arkhipova

19 December 2019 г. | начало в 19:00
Concert Hall named after I.K. Arkhipova | Bryusov per., D. 2/14, p. 8
Playlist: N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, V. Dashkevich, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs.
Moscow Chamber Choir will show a new version of staging “Gogol & Moscow Chamber Choir - the 210th anniversary of the writer". Gogol's story and biography will be mixing with great choir's and soloists performance. The audience can hear the music by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, V. Dashkevich, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs.

The concert will be performed on the stage of Concert Hall named after I.K. Arkhipova in Moscow. 19Th December, 19:00