“Alfred Schnittke – planet”

17 September 2019 г. | начало в 19:00
Great Hall of the Moscow Concervatory | st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, d. 13/6
Moscow Chamber Choir will take a part in the open of XV International Autumn choir festival of professor Tevlin in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory at 17 September.

In this year festival calls “Alfred Schnittke – planet” and is timed to 85th anniversary of composer. Minin-choir will start the second part of the concert with the performance of the work “Three spiritual choirs» by A. Schnittke. The choir sang this music in Pavel Slobodkin Concert Hall earlier. The audience will hear the music by G.Sviridov too.

The concert will be conducted by Timofey Golberg