World premiere of the "Exodus Triada" oratorio

World premiere of the "Exodus Triada" oratorio
Oratorio for mixed choir, tenor, soprano, baritone, reciter and symphony orchestra is based on the ancient biblical story and examines theme of man's liberation from trying to subjugate him, deprive his hope and destroy. This motif is the key in the Jewish world view, but it is universal.

The libretto includes episodes of the biblical narrative, historical allusions, elements of the Jewish liturgy in Hebrew poetry and ligaments in Russian, explaining the course of action. Listeners are invited to make a metaphysical journey to Egypt Pharaonic times, medieval Europe, and Nazi Germany.

"Today's limitless real world, seemed so strong and unshakable, after millions of victims and humanitarian disasters of mid-twentieth century, once again experiencing tectonic shifts and verifies human strength. It was real crazy to start create music based on philosophical understanding of the Exodus, but wonderful Moscow Chamber Choir (artistic directror and chief conductor - Vladimir Minin) breathed a certain courage into me. I would like to see this music aroused the listeners a desire to understand what is happening now and not repeating the mistakes of the past ", -. says composer Yuri Sherling.

Modern musical language, using of sophisticated sound clusters and a variety of sound production methods demanded the enormous the emotional costs and physical endurance. But responsibility and honour to do the first performance of the new work overcomes all difficulties.

16 April - Tchaikovsky Concert Hall
(Triumph Square, 4)
Beginning at 19:00

April 17 - Philharmonic-2 (Rachmaninoff Concert Hall)
(Michurinsky prosp., Olympic Village, Building 1)
Beginning at 19:00


Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir, artistic director and chief conductor - People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Minin;

Choirmasters: Rudnevsky Alexei, Olga Slovesnova
Accompanist - Elena Ilina

State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia named after E. F. Svetlanov, artistic director and chief conductor - Vladimir Jurowski;

Conductor - Fedor Lednev


Leonid Bomshteyn - tenor;
Anastasia Fedorova - soprano;
Yulia Zolotaryova - soprano;
Ivan Scherbatykh - bass-baritone;
Alex Reyter - baritone;
Vladas Bagdonas - Reader (Lithuania).

Duration of work - 62 minutes.

Help and accreditation by phone:
8 (495) 232-53-53 (Moscow Philharmonic)