Yuri Sherling: "We have to stop exodus into oblivion"

Yuri Sherling: "We have to stop exodus into oblivion"
Dear Yuri Borisovich, in "Exodus Triada" You proved that such a complex musical and philosophical work can be extremely melodious. What inspired you to create this oratorio?

The meeting with Minin's choir was a powerful starting point - everything was very easy and incredibly mystical. I explained my idea to choir's director Alla Dubiler and had the opportunity to show the musical sketches to Vladimir Minin. I asked him: "To write or not to write?" And the answer was: "You should write and immediately!". Then there were many months of work, but appointed date of the premiere led my hand with the help of God. When the score was over, Vladimir Nikolaevich include this work to his choir's programme. And then... What a miracle! Oh, great miracle! All that I heard only in the depths of my consciousness, was started to materialize.

In your work you are talking about the liberation of man from trying to subjugate him, deprive his hope and destroy. What's the main idea of the "Exodus Triada"?

I will answer with a quote from the libretto: "... Millenniums has passed. The fires of the Inquisition are extinguished, the furnaces of Auschwitz are cooled, the graves are settled. The world sighed and stood at the exit. Today, once again, on the site of the start of the outcome, there's blood runs on the hot sand and millions of children of our common Creator, unified for all who are on Earth, fleeing from the lands of the East. We're all praying, everyone with his own God. We're asking for Peace, but in our fervent prayers we didn't hear what He said to us. We're looking for the new enemies and not realizing that the enemy lives within ourselves. We have the last chance to stop, to think again and understand - why the Creator has given us life in the world He created. We have to stop new exodus, cause it may be the outcome to oblivion, covered with nuclear ashes that fallen on Eden... ". I think this is the main idea of the work.

Moscow Chamber Choir is one of the protagonists of the oratorio - How did you familiar with this legendary team?

I know Vladimir Minin and his Choir from the early 1970s, virtually since collective's inception. Since then, I try to watch everything, what does this team, and not to miss a concert performance. Our country should be proud of these talented artists!

What are your impressions of the rehearsals?

The creative process rarely runs smoothly, but the high professional level of choirmasters Aleksei Rudnevsky and Olga Slovesnova, concertmaster Elena Ilyina, the State Symphony Orchestra named after E. F. Svetlanov and soloists, will overcome all the difficulties. And, of course, I can not mention conductor Fedor Lednev, who, by his knowledge of contemporary music, inspired everyone to co-creation.

Where can we hear "Exodus Triada" after two premiere concerts in Moscow?

I don't have accurate information about the dates and venues for concerts yet, but I can say that this is only the beginning! It will be a long procession. The knowledge makes our lives richer and I want to believe that our work will make listeners' life just a little bit better. I wish much happiness to all of you!

Exodus Triada - вариант Шерлинга.jpg

Interview - Ilya Marshak