Vladimir Minin is nominated to Elena Obraztsova Foundation Award

Vladimir Minin is nominated to Elena Obraztsova Foundation Award
June, 2, at the hall of the hotel Ritz-Carlton held a solemn ceremony of "Elena Obraztsova charity Foundation" awards.

Nominees of the award "For the many years of service to the vocal art" in 2016 were as follows:

The artistic director of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Minin;

People's Artist of the USSR Makvala Kasrashvili, celebrating in 2016 the 50th anniversary of creative activity;

People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava;

Concertmaster, Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Golubeva.

Charity Support Fund of musical art "Elena Obraztsova Foundation" was established in December 2011 under the initiative of the great opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Elena Obraztsova. The objective of the Fund's activities are cultural and educational projects aimed at preserving the cultural heritage and development of traditions of Russian musical culture and education, as well as international humanitarian cooperation.