Vladimir Minin: "All Sviridov's music was woven out of his thoughts about the Russia"

Vladimir Minin: "All Sviridov's music was woven out of his thoughts about the Russia"
December, 16, marks the 100th anniversary of outstanding Soviet composer Georgy Sviridov. On the eve of a significant date, Moscow Chamber Choir's artistic director and chief conductor Vladimir Minin spoke about his perception of the master.

In the early 1950s, Sviridov arrived in Moscow. One day it took him to come to public places. He comes and sees - an elderly doorman asked him to present a passport, but he can not find the document, suddenly remembers that he has a membership card of the Union of Soviet Composers.

Sviridov shows its to doorman, he reads and, climbing, extends his arms at his sides, then exclaims: "You?! Composer?!". Sviridov replied: "No, Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky were composers, I only know how to put the notes". You may say that it was "self-humiliation that worse than pride" ... Probably. But I would also like to add here some Tyutchev's words:

"We can not predict,
As our word will respond -
And we are given sympathy,
As we are given the grace..."

Georgy Vasilyevitch wrote deeply national music, it was all woven of his thoughts on Russia and therefore had such a huge impact on the spiritual life of people. Sviridov was always foreign to modernism - he professed idea of Dargomyzhsky, I quote: "I want to express the sound of a word, I want the truth". Here is the truth, expressed in the majority of his works associated with the word, it has always been so natural intoned, his music, many perceive as their own, native.

Sviridov's creativity has long been organically entered in our lives. Who doesn't know "Time, Forward!", everybody heard in the "Time" program on First channel or "Romance" from "Blizzard", which can be heard in the Moscow subway? His scale creativity was huge: from small pieces for children ( "From the children's album") to giant scale works, which dealt with the immense catastrophe that befell Russia in 1917 and caused huge disasters later.

It seems that the most important words to describe the Sviridov's creation, may be line from the biography of Sergey Esenin:

"But, most of all,
I was tormented,
Tortured and burned
By love to my native land".