Vladimir Minin was awarded as "Honored worker of musical art"

Vladimir Minin was awarded as "Honored worker of musical art"
October 11, in the framework of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of the International Union of music workers (IUMW), there were anniversary members congress and a concert in the Great Hall of Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2016 the IUMW presidium established a number of unique titles, awards and promotions. The title of "Honored worker of musical art" with diploma and gold medal awarded to the artistic director of the Moscow Chamber Choir Vladimir Minin, Iosif Kobzon, Rodion Shchedrin, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Yuri Temirkanov, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Ekaterina Mechetina, Alexander Gradsky, Yuri Antonov, Alexander Lazarev, Yuri Simonov, Mikhail Shcherbakov, Bella Rudenko, Yuri Malikov and Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion.

51 nominees were awarded "For outstanding contribution to the development of musical art" with a diploma and a silver medal, 50 managers of musical organizations and critics, who have made a significant contribution to the development of music, were awarded with the certificate of honor "For the great personal contribution to the IUMW's creative union development".

The International Union of music workers was founded in 1986. Most important tasks of the Organisation is to popularize musical activities and the preservation of national music heritage, bringing together more than a thousand musicians, and 20 associations, federations, unions, foundations and societies, including the Rachmaninoff society, Gulyaev Russian classics Foundation, Ukrainian music lovers society, Wagner Society, the Interregional Shalyapin center, the Association of Moscow Choirs and others.