Minin and Choir

Minin and Choir
Сhapter two
It all started a very long time ago. In far 1929, when Vladimir Nikolayevich Minin came to this world, a talented person, a great artist, creator, permanent artistic director and chief conductor of the Moscow Chamber Choir. But this would be a too long story (only imagine - 1929!), much has been said about this, written and even filmed.
At the age of 42 - September 1971 - Vladimir Nikolaevich Minin created and headed the chamber choir that consisted of students and teachers of the today's Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesin. The first concert took place a bit later - April 23, 1972. From that moment the history of the collective began, this day is considered the day of its birth.
Today Maestro Minin is 88. Unbeliveble! More than a half of his life – 45 years – Vladimir Nikolayevich dedicated to the development of his unique ensemble. And not in vain: today the Minin's Choir is recognized all over the world,
an outstanding conductors and musicians feel honoured to perfom with Maestro and contemporary composers devote him their works.
To be continued
Сhapter two
It all started a very long time ago. In far 1929, when Vladimir Nikolayevich Minin came to this world, a talented person, a great artist, creator, permanent artistic director and chief conductor of the Moscow Chamber Choir. But this would be a too long story (only imagine - 1929!), much has been said about this, written and even filmed.
At the age of 42 - September 1971 - Vladimir Nikolaevich Minin created and headed the chamber choir that consisted of students and teachers of the today's Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesin. The first concert took place a bit later - April 23, 1972. From that moment the history of the collective began, this day is considered the day of its birth.
Today Maestro Minin is 88. Unbeliveble! More than a half of his life – 45 years – Vladimir Nikolayevich dedicated to the development of his unique ensemble. And not in vain: today the Minin's Choir is recognized all over the world,
an outstanding conductors and musicians feel honoured to perfom with Maestro and contemporary composers devote him their works.
To be continued