Georgi Sviridov. Time, Forward! Kursk Songs. Ladoga. The Wooden Russia. It' s Snowing (1999)

Georgi Sviridov. Time, Forward! Kursk Songs. Ladoga. The Wooden Russia. It' s Snowing (1999)
Time, Forward! Suite from the music to eponymous film (recorded in 1968)
Big Symphony Orchestra of the USSR Radio and Television
Conductor - Vladimir Fedoseyev

1. Ural Chant
2. Ditties
3. Marsh
4. Little Foxtrot
5. Night
6. Time, Forward!

Kursk Songs (recorded in 1990)
Moscow Chamber Choir
Conductor - Vladimir Minin

1. The Green Oak Tree
2. Sing, Sing, My Dear Lark
3. Bells are Ringing in the City
4. Oh, Misfortune Befalls My Darling
5. Van'ka Bought Himself a Scythe
6. My Troubled Nightingale
7. Across The Fast River

Ladoga (recorded in 1990)
Moscow Chamber Choir
Conductor - Vladimir Minin

1. Behind the River
2. On a Green, on a Lawn
3. When Spring at Home
4. I Fell In Love With Yurochka
5. The Beard

Wooden Russia. Small cantata for tenor, male chorus and orchestra on poems by S. Esenin (recorded in 1970)
The State Russian Choir Artistic director - Alexander Yurlov
Alexei Maslennikov, tenor
Orchestra of Soviet radio Conductor - Gennady Rozhdestvensky

1. Farewell, my Native Forest
2. Only the Swamp
3. I am a Poor Wanderer
4. Don't Look for Me in God

It's Snowing. Little Cantata to words of Boris Pasternak (recorded in 1971)
The State Russian Choir, artistic director - Alexander Yurlov
Orchestra of Soviet Radio, conductor - Gennady Rozhdestvensky
Moscow Chapel of boys at the Institute Gnessin, artistic director - Vadim Sudakov

1. It's Snowing
2. Soul
3. Night