Russian Folk Songs (1992)

Russian Folk Songs (1992)
1. In the Dark Forest
2. A Bell Rattles Monotone
3. Here's the Troika of Mail Horses Rushes
4. Glory Four
Peasant table songs for female voices
5. Near the Saviour in Chigasy
6. Ovsen' (New Year's Eve)
7. Puzische (The Giant Belly)
8. Hunter in the Islands
9. Ya Vechor Mlada (Young Maiden in the Feast))
10. Tanya-Tanyusha
                                                11. Spring Comes to Our Battlefields
                                                12. Snowstorm Sweeps Along the Street
                                                13. Evening Bells (Vecherny Zvon)
                                                14. Kalinka
                                                15. Ah, Nastasia!
                                                16. Dark Eyes
                                                17. Oh, the Frost!
                                                18. The Wooden Gate (Kalitka)
                                                19. Cranes
                                                20. Moscow Region Nights (Podmoskovniye Vechera)
                                                21. "The Voices of Russia"

                                                 Moscow State Chamber Choir
                                                 Conductor - Vladimir Minin

                                                 CD released on Omagatoki label, Japan